Chapter 14:
Consciousness Grids: Synergism
in Continuing
Human Evolution
CHARLES Darwin came out with his milestone study on the
emergence and development of the various species, including the human species,
through a long series of natural selection processes where certain species that
mutated in forms favorable to survival pushed to extinction those that mutated
in disadvantageous forms.
1. Earlier studies, developments
Subsequent studies have, however,
It is too much to expect
Early Christians apparently “got
it” by focusing their own lives on the essence of the Christ’s teaching, “Love
one another as I have loved you,” and the Church of the Catacombs apparently
lost that essence when it acquired and embraced worldly power. Still, we can
say that church was merely detoured and spun off protesting churches before it
started to correct many of its stances and policies, started to embrace
ecumenism, and also started to be open to inter-faith unity.
There will come a time relatively
soon, when the world’s religions will be increasingly unified by basic
spirituality, for the differences lie in articulations and structures made by
the intellectual minds of the persons of authority in the religious
organizations. To be sure, these leaders
claim having been given divine inspiration in crafting these dogmas, policies
and practices, but just how divine the inspiration can be gleaned from the
divisive effects, including self-righteous mass-killlings and cruel persecutions. Real spirituality has
only one unmistakable effect – it unites people, it reminds us that in the
first place, even as we are incarnated in many physical bodies, we are all one
as spirit.
2. ‘Consciousness Grids’ and those experiments
Drunvalo Melchizedeck, who wrote The
Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life (Vol. 1 published in 1998 by Light Technology Publishing), referred to
a “planetary grid” as an etheric crystalline
structure, with an electromagnetic component, that envelops the planet and
holds the consciousness of any of the species of life forms. “Scientists will
eventually discover,” he predicts, “that there's a grid for every single
species in the world. If there are just two bugs on the planet, and they're
just sitting somewhere in
He says each of these grids has its own geometry and is
unique; there's not another one like it. Just like the species' body is unique,
its point of view of interpreting Reality is also unique.
It was Ken Keyes Jr. and Lyall Warson who wrote their respective books, The
Hundredth Monkey and Lifetide: The Biology of the Unconscious, but it was from Melchizedec that I learned about a 30-year scientific
research project on the Japanese monkey, Macaca fuscata.
He describes the
Melchizedec narrates:
“An eighteen-month-old female they named Imo found she
could solve the problem by washing the potatoes. She taught this trick to her
mother. Her playmates also learned this new way, and they taught their mothers,
too. Soon, all the young monkeys washed their sweet potatoes, but only the
adults who imitated their children learned of this behavior. The scientists
recorded these events between 1952 and 1958.
“Then suddenly, in the autumn of 1958, the few monkeys
doing this on the
From the “Hundredth Monkey”
experiment, Melchizedec proceeds to report on another
experiment, this time with human subjects. He says a few years (after the sweet potatoes-washing fad among
monkeys in
“They did an experiment. They made a photograph that had
hundreds of human faces in it, little ones, big ones, and faces in the eyes.
Everything was made up of these faces, but when you looked at it, you could see
only six or seven. It took training to see the other ones. Usually, someone had
to point out where they were.
“These people took their picture to
From that moment, he says, scientists were certain there
was something about humans that had not been known. “The aborigines in
By living his life the way He did, Jesus the Christ built a
Christ-consciousness grid operating not in the realm of official dogmas,
policies and practices but in deep spiritual consciousness. “Love God above all
and your neighbor as yourself,” he said, and we paid some heed, and now, some
two thousand years later, the “Christ Consciousness” is gradually sinking into
our stubbornly intellectual heads. And from such a growing consciousness of
everyone being part of one seamless reality, and loving increasingly
consciously that Divine and Almighty Reality of Pure and Unconditional Love,
and loving also increasingly consciously one another as mutual extensions of
each one within that seamless reality.
3. We Have Come A Long Way
It was with a deeply-felt sense
of optimistic certainty when I told the First Lambat-Liwanag
Conference on Empowering Paradigms held at the
“The development of consciousness of the human race has come
a long way from the command regimentation that stressed faith and righteous
behavior (Old Testament) while downplaying comprehension and free will. We have
had more than two thousand years of enhanced free will and the admonition to
love one another (message of Christ), where the beginnings of comprehension
(physics and other natural sciences) completely sidelined spiritual faith as by
then misrepresented by dogmas of divisive religions. Through this period, the
use of free will was often leading to disastrous consequences of intolerance
and bigotry, oppression and exploitation, greed and tyranny.
“And we are now gradually moving into a
new period where human consciousness would really blossom in unconditional love
and unconditional peace. We will fully be enjoying free will but matured
enough, after centuries of experiential education, to freely choose love and
synergy over alienation, separation and antagonism. Faith will still be there
but no longer blind. Individual human dignity will be there but no longer as separative ego. Comprehension will be there, well beyond
present-day conventional physics, but intellectualization will be underpinned
by love, honest humility and spiritual discernment. Righteousness will be there
in each of us but based on maturity and no longer externally commanded.
“The conscious synergy of Humankind and of
all Creation will emerge, a real and embracive unity, no longer an artificial
or exclusive one. That will be the real age of the full Pentecost, where a
fast-increasing number of people, not just a dozen apostles, will now feel the
tongues of fire lighting up their souls from within, souls that would reach out
to embrace one another and draw in more and more people into their informal
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not
the only one. I hope someday you will join us. And the world will live as
one! But you cannot say that to me in
all earnestness. That was meant for the Lennon of those days, not (us) today.
We have reason to declare having joined Lennon in his dream, and that more
people are joining us, more and more people like us are joining up with the rest.”
1. Human Gold
Humans are walking nuggets of gold. Each human person is
a very valuable complex and really awesome synergy in itself,
and as itself -- body, mind and spirit -- where each one of the
three is itself a complex synergy.
The energy comes not only from the oxygen-burning of food
stored in our flesh. The energy comes also, if not more, from the very essence
of our being, the real us that we call “our souls,” orchestrating
in teamwork and harmony our psychic bodies and their chakras
and energy sources and energy channels, our synergized totality of memories,
our individual and collective will. The Human Holon
is a very deeply profound whole.
The entire Part Two of this book – Synergies in Person
Dimensions – exalts the greatness of the human being. You might want to go back
to its chapters, enjoy all the reminders and realizations, the appreciative
appreciations old and new, add to them, discover new ones, feel
them all as realities within each of us, within you.
You are gloriously great because God is gloriously great,
and the both of you is
Human Magnets
A human is a walking magnet, whose very being vibrates
energy in such a manner that influences other humans, and whose thoughts,
words, and deeds, especially if these three are consistent, influences
tremendously. Mutual influence creates
alignments in the consciousness and builds stronger and stronger bonds among us
“Human magnetism” is like the Earth’s own magnetic field
that turns an entire mountainside into another strong magnet if the magma could
only stay molten long enough before hardening.
Humans therefore affect one another’s thinking not purely, not even
mainly, through intellectual discourse, but very much by patterns of thinking
and behavior that continuously ripple out strong waves of influence.
Our synergism-oriented SanibLakas
Foundation is gathering the “magnetically-aligned” advocates of consciously
applying the principle of synergism in human interactions and existence. If you
agree with us that conscious application synergism deserves to be such an
advocacy to counter increasing divisiveness and disempowerment in the world,
you have become a consciously resonating part of this growing magnet. The alignment is all toward human unity with
dynamism in diversity, ready to share all prosperity, and unmistakably
embracing together an expanding (nay, exploding) we in the
powerful magnetic field of magnificent
l o v e , as we ponder,
appreciate and perform, with open spiritual eyes, our role in the beautiful
synergy that is the entire cosmos.
Although human consciousness is generally clouded by free
will used in the service of the separative ego, the
Human Holon is a great part, no less than a beloved
child, of the Great Whole.
We are all strong magnets. And our Grander Synergies that
are discussed in Part Three of this book – in nature, in society, in history,
in our various communities – are all magnet systems. They can be consciously developed into much
stronger magnets than they are today.
And all these magnet systems together make up the Great
Cosmic Synergy, where both the Creator and the Created lovingly fuse as One from the very beginning, now and ever shall be.
3. Synergism: Path Back to Conscious Oneness
Once liberated from all illusion of separation, humans have
the innate capability for consciousness to exalt most fully this Great, Loving
and Creating Synergy of All Synergies, and shine out as a part of that Glorious
But the process doesn’t resemble a picnic trek. Having been
made to forget Who We Really Are, we have to actually suffer weakness,
helplessness, even desperation, in the face of the many woes and difficulties
in earth life, feelings of vulnerability and weakness that comes from our
having forgotten how strong we really are in our oneness. Synergism is the Path back to Conscious
Our experience of appreciation is a taste of resonation, of
oneness. Our experiences in actual synergies – in teamwork for effective effort
and in harmony for ecstatic beauty – offer us glaring clues about our innate
mode of existence, smilingly shouting right before our ever-distracted eyes and
“Go ahead! Enjoy every experience of synergy fully! Prolong
it! Linger in it! Do it often! Do it all the time! Get used to it! That is what
we all really is— a seamless oneness
and gloriously powerful reality of love, peace and joy! Congratulations! You have experienced the re-membering!”
We may not get it this clearly very soon. But there can be
no harm in starting to enjoy it more and more deeply, and more and more often.
Smile for the synergy of all our smiles,
Happy and proud
To be part of it all!
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